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Working Like A Dog

COMMISSION TIME! I got the business referral from my Mother-in-Law. She's been doing some great mason jar stuff lately as part of her...

A Much Too Early Pumpkin

Yes, I am aware it's only May! Doesn't this just jump out at you as something my Mother-in-Law would have me do? Well, if that's what you...

Step Stool for the Little One

As my daughter is getting older and more independent, she's trying more things on her own. And that's good! That's how kids learn! But......

A Mother's Day Memory

Mother's Day is around the corner! I was having some difficulty coming up with something to make her for Mother's Day. I wanted it to be...

Nursery Sign for Baby Hook!

My friend at work is having a baby!!! She already found out that it's a boy; and the family decided on the name Killian! To give you some...

A Nice Alternative to Drywall

One evening, I was getting my daughter ready for a bath. I walked her into the bathroom and put her in the tub. As I bent my knees to sit...

Tic Tac Toe...Round 2!

You may be thinking to yourself: "didn't he already do this one?" or "why is he showing us how to make this again?" Well, you are right....

A Custom Year-End Gift!

A friend from work came to me and asked me if I would be interested in making her a shadow box. She made a nice piece of art for her...

Needing Some Direction!

My friend at work is having a baby boy! His name is Killian; which is the name of Captain Hook in the series Once Upon A Time! When she...

Taking a Stab at Furniture Making...

I've been wanting to make a piece of furniture for a little while now. I've got a Kreg jig, and I've really been wanting to put it to the...

A Sugary Sweet Project!

I kind of wanted a break from the projects I've been doing lately. It's been a lot of artwork and commissions. I wanted to make something...

A Cheap Fix!

There's been a real problem with paper towel holders in both my household and my Mother-in-law's household. In my house, our previous...

Making Waves!

Custom sign time! Definitely one of my top favorite things to make! I have a friend at work who asked me if I could possibly make her a...

Another Repurpose Project!

I told you guys: I loved the last re-purpose project I had (The mirror; check it out!), and another one would be on the horizon! Well,...

Stock Building: Coasters

EXCITING NEWS ALERT!!! I applied for a spot at the Vintage Market Days of South Gulf Coast Florida fall event, called "Among the...

Using Up the Last Scraps!

I definitely eluded to this in my last post... ...another one of these Picasso projects may be in the near future! So, you had to see...

A Spring Cleaning Easter Egg!

For a long time, I've been throwing small reclaimed wood trimmings into a small bucket rather than throwing them away. They are mostly...

Spring Cleaning Easter Bunny!

I've decided to do some Spring cleaning of my reclaimed wood stash. The first day of Spring was March 20th, so it seems appropriate to do...

Another Geometric Pinterest Win!

Another day, another geometric design! This one is different though. I actually got the idea from a Pin I saw. I liked the look of it and...

Baby Paparazzi Camera

Here's another thing that has been popping up on my Pinterest feed every so often! That's right: wooden cameras! Obviously, not a...

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