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     I've always loved art; it has always been my escape from reality. I used to doodle in class when I got bored, and I would trade my drawings with other kids for all types of things. I used to do origami, clay sculptures...pretty much anything I could get my hands on at school. I've always had an affinity for art, and I really enjoyed the way I was able to challenge myself.

     As I got older, it got harder and harder to find time get back to art. Whether it was school, work or family obligations, it always seemed to take a backseat... until my daughter was born.

      Olivia was born on January 14th, 2017, 


and she changed my life forever. It's true what they say; you'll do anything for your kid. After she was born, my wife and I had to really watch our spending. Babies are expensive!


     My wife was (is) an avid Pinterest user. She would find things people made and would try to show them to me. I would usually brush her off, tell her it was too much work, blah blah blah. I never used Pinterest, thought it wasn't "manly" enough. So, she would end up buying things from Etsy or cheap versions from Amazon or Wal-Mart that wouldn't hold up. Meanwhile, these things ended up costing $$$! We didn't really feel the financial burden when it was just the two of us. Suddenly, we couldn't afford certain things, we had to keep a close eye on our bank account, because, like I said, kids are expensive!


     Through necessity, I started trying different projects. I bought tools and supplies as I needed them. I asked for gift cards to Home Depot or Lowe's or tools from friends and family when they would ask for gift ideas. I started watching YouTube videos. I GOT A PINTEREST ACCOUNT! The first couple projects had some "oopsies," and there were definitely some learning curves along the way. I was attempting things that my wife wanted me to try, and that's all I took it as. However, I soon realized that these projects were really engaging, and really rewarding when they were finished. As I got better, I started having more and more fun. It was like an escape...


     Completely unintentionally, these little projects filled the creative art space I thought I no longer had time for. I started really enjoying myself! It became an addiction! Everything my wife sent me on Pinterest, I wanted to make! Whether it was something for her, something for my daughter, Christmas presents for family, etc. With all these ideas coming in and these projects being completed, I started my own Pinterest Wins! board. Then, I got an Instagram so I could post the pictures of the items I made. But, I was still looking for something to post my work and explain more about the journey and labor that went into it. So, that led me to create this blog. My wife and daughter continue to be my inspiration, and they have pushed me to create art and find joy in my new projects!

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